Saturday, 30 July 2016

Mix Yourself A Fatal Disease

Back in college days, I worked as a bartender in the best cocktail bar in California.  All the stars would come, and beg me to mix them a Shut Up You Weirdo And Go Away.  So I'd oblige.

These days, I like to be permanently drunk, so I fill my ski backpack with flasks of a little pick-me-up I call the Fatal Disease.

One part Simple Green cleaning fluid
Two parts brandy
Slice of lemon

Stir it all together in a big handle mug so it will look manly.  Set it alight.  Quaff in a cannon-thighed viking-like manner.

For the advanced mixologists, turn this hearty brew into an Orchard Fire by substituting an apple quarter for the slice of lemon.

Bottoms up!


  1. Should I buy my big handle mug at REI or Patagonia?

  2. Make it yourself in Arts 'n' Crafts time, or it just isn't valid.

  3. I really don't think it's worth mentioning unless at least two fatal diseases are present. Anyone can survive one fatal disease - apparently.

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