Sunday, 25 January 2015

Laser tachometers of the Elizabethan Age

The Elizabethans are rightly renowned for their superb skills as spinners, weavers, and makers of tapestries.  I exhort you all to examine Henry VIII's superb codpiece, and marvel at its qualities.

To achieve this level of professional spinning expertise and elan, they used laser tachometers to calibrate their great wheels.  Observe, in this painting, the laser tachometer.  It is not readily apparent to the non-expert eye, but those spinners who have used such equipment will deduce its presence from the position of the left arm.


  1. You sure about that, Doctor? It looks like a portrait of Robert Cecil to me.

  2. Posted to the Other Blog on Spinning Demo - he has not yet published.

    ""Let me know when you are spinning thousands and thousands of yards of good yarn per day"

    Prove that you are. I don't believe you.

    Note: that means proving the quantity AND the quality of said yarn you're spinning.

    Put up or shut up."

  3. I note that neither ill-informed detractor has proven the absence of a laser tachometer. I win.

  4. and today we get the "I only take pics when I want to, you can't make me! ANESTHETICS." (lol)
